Introducing HyperSource

Jun 04, 2019

HyperSourceTM is an innovative approach to overcoming current radio technology limitations and is a new feature available in INOVA’s G3i HDTM cable acquisition system with iX1 acquisition software. HyperSource consists of a hybrid, wired and wireless, communication network available for access by distant source crews on a project operating where logistically convenient for efficient production. In a high productivity vibroseis example this might consist of multiple vibroseis fleets operating within or even beyond the perimeter of the active patch spanning 10’s of kilometers from the recording truck.

HyperSource utilizes G3i HD’s existing receiver cable telemetry network to extend source radio coverage to an area of the laid out spread where production is taking place. A standalone Source Access Module (SAM) is connected into the G3i HD receiver telemetry cable in proximity to source production. From a SAM to source fleets current wireless communication technology is utilized.

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